Sunday, February 7, 2016

Rynartice, Ceske Svycarsko , Czech Republic


    Not far from Jetřichovice north above the valley of Chřibská Kamenice under the Cross hill, on the hill there is a small village Rynartice.  You will find here an unusual amount of the chapels that were built here in the past. They were built by the local people along so called "church´paths" to Jetřichovice and Chřibská where they went to the church for the divine service. The decoration of the village is a small hotel Zámeček that was originally built as a hunting castle. Nowadays the village has the recreational character. Close to the road to Jetřichovice on the right side you can find the "Dwarf´s rock", that was hewed in the rock by E. Vatera, the chronicler of that time. The stairs and the niches with the dwarves´statues are hewed in the rock and are protected by the Care of historical monuments.

    In 1832 the owner of the manor, Rudolf Kinský started to build the foot bridges, the bridges, to adjust the paths so the region of Jetřichovice would be accessible for the tourists. In 1864 the first touristic guide book in our country was published and covered the area of the Bohemian Switzerland that belonged to Kinsky´family, so the region of Jetřichovice. The author was the princely forest adjunct Ferdinand Náhlík from Rynartice.


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