Saturday, February 6, 2016

Batteaux Bay, Tobago

Batteaux Bay

Located off the Blue Waters Inn and facing Little Tobago, Batteaux Reef is also known as Aquarium and consists of a rocky ridge that extends from the shoreline to the Weather Rocks, which can just be seen protruding above the waves. Surge makes it difficult to dive around the ridge, but when conditions are right, it is well worth a visit. The rocky slope drops to 21m and although sparse in coral growth, there are lots of sponges. 

The bay is at the confluence of two different nutrient-laden currents, which encourages the fish to breed more often and explains the vast quantities of fish fry in the water all year round. Batteaux Bay was the home to the dozen or more Atlantic Mantas (Manta birostris) that used to take up residence there every winter. Their visits are less frequent now, but you still stand a chance, particularly during the early months of the year.


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